
Is battlefield 2 split screen
Is battlefield 2 split screen

Justice? Not a factor in the games business, matey.

is battlefield 2 split screen

Bland, devoid of character, asinine gameplay mechanics, clumsy implementation and, at the time of writing, number one in the charts with a bullet. Even those that look quite good at first very rapidly outstay their welcome once the novelty wears off.

is battlefield 2 split screen

KOTOR aside, and maybe Republic Commando, there hasn't been a good Star Wars game since Dark Forces. Which wouldn't be so bad if the games were actually deserving of their successes.

is battlefield 2 split screen

People buy Star Wars toothbrushes for god's sake. Actually, that's the power of marketing, hype and a licence that guarantees cash rewards for anyone lucky enough to wield it Honestly.

Is battlefield 2 split screen